
this is what i will be studying all week: abuse

*think about this...

abuse is constant through the lifespan
-i mean, yeah, i knew that, and duh, i know it happens, but i have never really given elderly abuse much thought.
it isn't talked about as much as child abuse, dating violence, or spousal abuse.
-drug abuse and depriving the elderly of their rights are the most common.
homicide is one in the five leading causes of death among children
-this ranging from birth to 18 years old.
-every year, more then 1300 kids are killed by their parents
-the woman/mom are more abusive towards their children then the father
-if an infant is between the age of one week to one year, they are more likely to be killed by one of their parents.
-the homicide of a child before the age of five will involve a parent or step parent most likely.
-just reported; 16 out of every 100 children are victims to abuse...only reported!
partner abuse/spousal abuse
-women are more likely to use violence then men...and no, it is not always because of self-defense
-1985 survey: both partners being violent=49%, man only=25%, woman only=28%
-1997 survey: both=51%, man=18%, woman=28%
-approximately 1/4 of victims associate abuse with love...it is sad that i get that
-spousal abuse is not a single event...
~~~~this is what i found really interesting!!!!!!!!!!~~~
-women are abused at least three times a year
three times...um, if abuse is not a single event, then clearly it is more then three times a year!...it just shows that spousal abuse isn't reported, this stat made me really really sad, just knowing it happens more then three times a year,
-20% to 40% of murders are spousal: with this there is a debate on whether it is the husband killing the wife, or wife killing husband.

then there is the whole concept of rape, and there is a stigma that only women get raped and that is not true.
the statistics are actually pretty even among men raping women and women raping men.
before the age of 18:
-1 out of 3 women...by women or men
-1 out of 5 men...by women or men
on a college campus
-1 out of 6 women
-1 out of 7 men

fun stuff i know...not really, actually...not at all.

*friends of mine in 'the family' should recognize a lot of this.

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