
prostitution reply

i recently wrote a blog about prostitution and the stats i have been learning in my human sexuality class.
my friend christie who is a very faithful follower, as i am to hers, decided to make her comment to my blog an actual post. I thought what she had to say were very good points.
i made a comment that i also made a post.
so, if you're interested, i would read all three posts.
you might learn something!

what you(christie) blogged about, i do have stats on. i just didn't post it. the main reasons clients go to prostitutes is because they either...
1) want something new
2) aren't being satisfied with their current partner
3)feel lonely
4) want unemotional/no strings attached sex
I agree with you, that we should look into the emotional aspect of it, in that women and men in the prostitution business are being used as objects, and not being treated as human beings, but what do we say about the ones who choose to be a prostitute?
i also agree with you that it shouldn't be illegal (sex trafficking: yes, should be), because it is going to happen no matter what, (i know, we could say this about a ton of other things) but this profession is interesting because it allows people to use their rights as well as taking their rights away. it's equivalent to trying to get all the porn off the internet, i agree with you when you say, it is a waste of resources!

read christie's blog!

1 comment:

Christie said...

First off, yay conversation!
And secondly, I absolutely love the analogy of trying to stop prostitution being like trying to get all of the porn off the internet! I almost laughed when I read that because the concept of trying to get porn off the internet is just SO unrealistic it's funny (the internet is for porn!), but I think you're dead on.

Thanks for posting the additional stats :). Number 3 interests me the most, I think... just because it's the most counter-intuitive. I can definitely understand how it happens, but thinking of "being lonely" as a reason for going to a prostitute I think really paints the customer in a more sad and pathetic light than we normally think of that person in.

Also, good clarification on sex trafficking... I completely agree. Which brings up another point I hadn't thought of: I wonder if sex trafficking would be easier to prevent if prostitution were legalized? I think that it might be, which would really be another argument for legalization in itself. I think almost anything we can do to prevent sex trafficking absolutely needs to be done.