
vul-ner-able. vul-ner-a-bility.

susceptible to physical or emotional injury. - freedicitionary

capable of being physically or emotionally wounded. -merriam-webster

i looked at about 10 definitions, and these two pretty much sum up all 10.
nothing good can come from being vulnerable...whether it's with a close friend or a complete stranger.

i'm done because there is absolutely no point...i learned this lesson a little too late.

1 comment:

Chris said...

yea, unappreciated vulnerability can really be frustrating and, at the same time, saddening but...

just because you're 'susceptible to' or 'capable of' being emotionally injured or wounded doesn't make vulnerability pointless.

one day, it'll be worth it, and hopefully, it'll have been worth all the trouble and failures.