
individualism torn down by a conservative

"from this chart in one of our power points it just proved to me i would much rather live in europe."

'the tax is higher over there.'

"oh my gosh, we've been over this, their wages are higher so they are able to pay higher taxes. we can't do that here because our wages aren't as good...for most not all, and with really bad benefits."

'you go to a school where they teach you all this liberal sided crap.'

"it's a chart based off research of wages and work-benefits all over the world, how is that liberal?my school isn't trying to, in your words 'corrupt me,' and here's a question for you, if you are so against what they 'teach' us in these schools, why is it so important to you that we get an education? and don't forget you went to a state university also...
or is it because i'm not like my siblings and went into a field that isn't math or business?
this is when it hit me!!!!!!
i'm in a field where they don't teach us equations and how to balance a checkbook, and you just can't handle that."

-and scene-

what i want to do is just not good enough for this person, i am barely skimming the surface of a legitimate major in their eye's.

i had an epiphany today about a relationship between me and a family member, and they have taken some digs at my major and basically called what i want to do a joke, and it is all because they are a conservative and because i went outside the box with i want to do, they just don't understand me and we have nothing in common. they are such a liar and live their life acting like they think what i'm doing is noble and kind and they cover it up with hugs and money. i would take respect over a check any day.
what a hypocrite.

interesting that most conservatives are more about individualism/capitalism...well here it is first hand (the individualism part), and this person can't even take it.

1 comment:

r said...

Wow, Em. You and I need to talk about this.