
'it takes courage to live the life you want'

a few days ago i was told i was to idealistic.
telling a 21 year old they are to idealistic is equivalent to telling a man he isn't masculine enough.
21 year olds need to have hopes and dreams and believe they can change the world.
we shouldn't believe we have to do something because we know we will make a good paycheck, or believe we aren't good enough for what we really want to do with our lives.
people should not tell us that in ten years we are going to be doing what everyone else is doing, use your imagination for that one.
no one wants their life to be boring, redundant, and lifeless.
they want their life to have passion, love, excitement and feel they are living for something better.
so, if having those views make me idealistic...then so be it.
i understand the world revolves around money...sad, but true.
i understand we need money to pay bills, get through school, eat, etc. but if we are making money from something we don't enjoy, what's the purpose? the money is worth nothing then.
it is honorable for husbands and wives to take care of their families and help their children in anyway they can, but in most cases can they say they're happy when they work just to pay the energy bill that month?
where did their lives go?
one of my professors told me this summer that in ten years if i am married, have kids, and live in a house with a white picket fence to call him because i have just accomplished the american dream.
i hope i never have to call him, because that is not what i want.
married; maybe, it will probably happen.
kids; depends if i get married...i'm more into foster care.
house with a white picket fence; no thanks.
again, if wanting to have a great career where i help 13 year olds talk through their issues, and i live in a crazy loft in the city and ride the subway to work and i open my place up to foster kids who believe no one else loves them. that's my american dream.
actually, now that i think about it, it is sort of ridiculous that the american dream is one thing right? because to live in america is to be happy and to live a life of purpose.
well, no one has the same purpose and one thing doesn't make everyone happy.
so, shouldn't we redefine the american dream?

i digress...

i was told i was to idealistic, that my dreams will probably shatter.
i was told by my mother...out of all people, 'not everyone can be special,' well...that may be true for her, and that sucks because i know plenty of people who would say my mother is special, but...
i know what i want to do with my life, and where i want to be, and what i want to accomplish, if my parents think that is to idealistic then they aren't very good parents, and they don't see the passion in their daughter.

i don't know, maybe i will have that picket fence in 10 years, if i do, then that means i am happy because i am not going to live a life where i am not.
hardships happen, stress happens, sadness happens, tragedy happens.
but, i will not place myself in a hard, sad, stressful, tragic story.

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