
irrational fears cont.

yes sam, and yes john, i stole this from you...i have to give credit where credit is due.

1) i cannot sleep on my stomach, if i sleep on my stomach, i am afraid my spine will snap.
no, i don't think my back will hurt, or my spine will fracture, i believe my spine will literally snap in half. where did this fear branch from; health class.
a chiropractor came to class and said that sleeping on our stomachs is bad for our backs, and somewhere in that message the word 'snap,' was forever burned into my brain.

2) i cannot use heating blankets, two of my friends use them, and it doesn't make sense to me. one of my regular fears is fire, or things that are hot; ovens, stoves, candles, etc. i am afraid if i use a heating blanket, i will catch on fire, point blank, that's it.

those i think are my only two irrational fears. these fears are ridiculous, but i can't, i can't do either of these things.

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