

as i stood to the side, i could see everything.
cooper searching for wood with his cell phone for light, making sure the flames wouldn't burn out.
students in clumps praying for each other for whatever sin was plaguing them.
three Godly men connecting arm to shoulder to worship Jesus.
a couple going into the darkness to pray for one another.
a man sobbing in the arms of a friend for comfort.
students sitting in silence while the stars sparkle, listening to water hitting the rocks, the fire crackling, and the whispers of prayers.
sitting in our thoughts, music was playing, thoughts were stirring in our heads and Jesus was stirring in our hearts.
while i was looking all around me, and observing people's actions i couldn't help but love the lights in the distance and the sounds of the cars from the highway.
out of all Gods creation, and out of all the man-made objects, a group of college students can go to a bonfire, forget everything that is going on around them, look up into the stars and slow down.
given the chance to write anything we have been struggling with on a piece of plywood and throwing it into the fire, we were also able to say what we wrote out loud and share it with the people around us.
how often is it that college students can have an experience that forces them to slow down and just feel the presence of God?
with all the seriousness and silence, God gave us chances to laugh and smile and be filled with joy.
clapping in unison to worship, people missing their steps in the rocks and sand, Jesus showed the group his humor and proved when it comes to worshiping him, it does not need to always be an emotional high, but something we crave for everyday.
as i was standing to the side, i figured out my purpose of the night was to watch peoples actions, it showed me there are so many stories, so many pasts and futures to come, so many differences with one connection...Jesus..i already knew that, but it never really came alive in my eyes until tonight.
with what i wrote on my piece of wood, was love, i need to love God full-heartedly, and i haven't.
this girl named nicole came up to me and said, 'can we pray?' and the words she said could not have been more perfect, she verbalized what i had wrote.
God is amazing, and loving and wants me, he never needs me, and that is way cool.

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