
part 1: understanding

if my brain had a meter for my most said word, know what it would be?
a close second would be the word 'like'
here's why, the past year of my life most of my conversations have been talking about the meaning of this word and how it fits in with the friendships and relationships around me.
and i came to realize that giving what my friends need, but not having those needs reciprocated back, the friendship/relationship is not going to work.
pretty simple right?
not really.
it is actually quite difficult.
here are a few examples separated in three posts (it isn't as complicated this way) each example grows off of the previous example.

example one:
friend y believes their friendship with friend z will be easy, and the one that can be completely honest and open. friend y needs the feeling of knowing they are needed by their friends. friend z does not enjoy the feeling of being needed. because of this, neither friend y or friend z are getting what they need.
why? friend z might not go to friend y when life is rough and friend z may have more boundaries with friend y that friend y may not be aware of, which means friend y thought the friendship was much greater then friend z.

basically, from this example these two friends have completely different views on the friendship.

lesson learned: friendships are not effortless, they take work, the friends also have to be on the same page.

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