
survival sex...ever heard of it?

so i have a project this semester for my juvenile delinquency class.

the ratio of glbt (gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender) homeless youth to their heterosexual counterparts and the risks associated with being a homeless sexual minority.

there are two findings i have come across...

1) being a homeless sexual minority is risker...for their health, safety and well-being...duh, that's a no brainer.

2) the term 'survival sex.' no! it is not prostitution.

survival sex: exchange sex for money, food, drugs, shelter, clothing and more.
-typically not by choice-

prostitution: sex for money or drugs
-more often by choice-

now yes, these are generic definitions but you get the idea. i know some women go into prostitution for survival, but! that is not the main reason unlike survival sex.
also, survival sex is the term coined for homeless youth.

from a study of 670 homeless youth, 150 considered themselves apart of the GLB community (they did not ask about transgendered youth) of that 150 nearly half were asked to participate in survival sex compared to only 25% on the non-glb homeless youth.



'take a chance, and never look back..

i graduate in may
-no, i am not scared

i did not get into the peace corps

which is totally okay because, i learned what not to do on an application.
-i'm totally down with the peace core being the guinea pig in this situation

will this semester totally kick my ass?

i feel like i am on top of the world, with still so much to learn.

god is good.

i love my life.