
a rivalry in itself

so i had this thought yesterday while watching glory road...
could there be a movie made about a rivalry team; unc/duke, texas/texas tech, ku/ksu, ohio/michigan state...whatever rivalry you want.
i discussed this with a friend of mine and this is the question that came about...with both of our sides.

how would you feel about a movie that was about a rivalry between sports in a university...like duke/unc, ku/ksu, texas tech/texas, etc. if you didn't go to either of those schools, or live in those states. Would you care? (my friends argument thinks people wouldn't)

think of all those inspirational movies about sports, do you think a movie about a rivalry could work for a film? (my argument is it would)

so, yes i messaged all my friends from different states and schools that aren't in kansas,plus a few ku/ksu fans, people who i know are not a fan of sports but like movies, high schoolers, and most of the out of college adults on my friends list...it really did not take that long, maybe 20 minutes.

and these are the results i have gotten so far with much explanation

35-yes (my side)
17-no(friends side)

now, here are many of the explanations i got, supporting both sides of the argument, in no way is this a snub towards my friend, i just thought it was interesting.

-it would have to be a comedy and light-hearted, so people don't get upset.
-i got like four votes for it needing to be a super dramatic movie.
-have to add a romantic plot.
-it would make a great documentary, but not a feature film.
- it would be interesting if the fans cared more about the rivalry then the players
-got a few votes for it being strictly sports, no romance
-it can have a rivalry, but put a main character and their struggle as a plot.
-a few people said something along the lines of...i could care less about a specific teams, but because of the history of the rivalry, i would see it and it would be interesting.
-it does depend on the schools...about four votes for that.
-the movie would work, because people would learn that both teams have something in common, rivalry or not.
-the history of the rivalry is important, there would have to be a little back story, don't expect people to research the history on their own.
-it's a sports movie...you can make an inspirational storyline with anything that has to do with sports.
-it has to be done right...about 5 votes.
-it would be really cool if the movie showed the intensity and pressure both teams have to go through, try and make it as unbiased as possible.

i like the last mark because a good point was brought up.
what if it were about unc/duke...would the movie end with a game unc wins or duke wins, and would the opposing fans hate the movie because their team didn't win?

what are your thoughts...as i get more messages i will add to the tallies


Anonymous said...

here's a thought for consideration: what would the plot of the movie be? I mean, there's a rivalry. But generally in every movie, especially a sports movie, there is the good guys and the bad guys. And the bad guys usually do something to make you hate them and the good guys prevail in the end.

How would that work out?

did you say one of your favorite songs was "gives you hell"?
I'm confused...

em. said...

i am still thinking on the plot, i wanted to see what people thought then think of the plot...i am not sure yet.

when did i say that about 'gives you hell' but yes, i love that song