
fat talk free week

some statistics for you to put in perspective:

first a disclaimer!... even though the above video is geared towards women, men struggle with body image and eating disorders also...it does happen even though many people don't believe so.

-anorexia has the highest mortality rate of any psychological disorder.
-age group with the highest prevelance: 18- 19 years old.
-age group with the second highest prevelance: 11-15 years old.
-- 33% of teenagers ages 11-15 have said they have dealt with or are dealing with an eating disorder.
--10% of that 33% said their eating disorder started before the age of 10.
--42% of children in 1st to 3rd grade want to be thinner then they already are.
--20% of elementary aged girls 'starve' themselves to lose weight.
--24% of elementary school children skip meals to lose weight.
--60% of 6th grade girls would rather be blind or paralyzed then be over-weight.
-these same 6th graders said being over-weight gave the same feeling of being excluded and upset
-over half of teen girls use unhealthy weight control tactics for the sole purpose to be thinner...not healthy
-over 1/3 of teen boys do the same thing.
--35% of 'normal' dieters progress to pathological dieting
-from this 35%, 20-25% progress to having a full-blown eating disorder
--23% of college students suffer or has suffered from an eating disorder.
-want perspective: if there are 360 students in a room, that is, give or take 90 students.
-using scare tactics as a way of prevention does not help, it shows techniques on how to have an eating disorder

---these are all approximate and from studies around the usa because of course, people lie and would rather keep it a secret.---

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